
What does the “Nation’s Report Card” tell us about how American children are learning?

Assessing American children's educational progress with NAEP


美国学生都知道些什么, 他们在不同的学科领域能做什么, 并最终, will they have the academic knowledge and experience to be able to compete globally? These questions prompted Congress in 1969 to mandate the creation of the National Assessment of 教育al Progress (NAEP), administered by the 美国国家教育统计中心 of the U.S. 教育署(教育署). 通常被称为“国家的成绩单”,“NAEP是唯一的延续, 具有全国代表性的评估.S. students’ educational achievements in various subject areas.


Conducting NAEP called for a research company with extensive statistical expertise, 高功能数据收集功能, experience working well with school decisionmakers, and the ability to create meaningful representative sampling and analysis procedures, and efficiently collect high-quality data for thousands of students across the nation. The company would also need to employ its creative thinkers to develop innovative tools and processes that would streamline the sampling, 数据收集, 以及质量保证流程. 趣赢平台 was first selected to perform NAEP Sampling and 数据收集 (SDC) activities in 1983—work that it continues to this day.

In 2002, the role of NAEP was expanded when Congress required states to participate in biennial reading and mathematics assessments at grades 4 and 8. 为了支持这种扩展, ED created what is currently known as the NAEP Support and Service Center (NSSC) to provide training and support to NAEP State Coordinators (employees of state education agencies) and NAEP Trial Urban District Assessment Coordinators (employees of select large urban school districts for which NAEP results are reported). 趣赢平台自2003年以来一直持有NSSC合同, providing training and support that ensures that the NAEP Coordinators can complete the responsibilities for the successful implementation of their required activities for NAEP in their respective states and districts.


趣赢平台 is privileged to work on NAEP in support of NCES because NAEP provides the critical knowledge policymakers and 教育工作者 need to shape educational policy and program decisions and improve education for all students. NAEP serves as a common measure of children’s learning across racial/ethnic groups, 经济状态, 和地区, 给父母, 教育工作者, 管理员, and officials meaningful insight into achievement gaps and educational experiences.

NAEP reports statistically significant findings that compare proficiency standards across state assessments; develops insights about student performance from high school transcripts; and offers an in-depth view at how different demographic groups perform across different types of schools.

格雷格Binzer, 副总统 and Sector Lead, Survey Research





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