

September 9, 2022

韦斯特在家庭旅行和旅行行为方面的研究专家已经为联邦政府进行了几十年的旅行调查, state, and local government agencies, providing innovative approaches to recruiting household respondents; maintaining their engagement over time; and collecting, analyzing, and reporting the resulting data. 家庭旅行调查是规划一个地区未来交通基础设施的不可或缺的工具,对规划人员和工程师评估当前需求至关重要, forecast future needs, and build infrastructure to meet those needs. These surveys focus on people’s travel behaviors, including exact times, reasons, and means of travel—whether driving, ridesharing, using public transportation, or other. 他们还回答了人们如何旅行的问题(无论哪种方式)。, their demographic characteristics, and travel patterns. Ultimately, 从调查中收集的知识旨在促进利益相关者制定交通改善计划, new housing, and job growth.

我们的旅行调查专家使用多模式数据收集计划,包括其定制的智能手机应用程序和基于网络的调查,并提供电话支持,以适应各种复杂程度的小型到大型调查, says Jeremy Wilhelm, M.C.R.P., 趣赢平台高级研究助理:“我们特别设计的系统集成了来自智能手机应用程序的数据, telephone survey, and web survey, 消除了协调跨平台数据的需要,并尽可能提供最高质量的数据. We’ve also developed tools to efficiently assess, clean, 并将数据可视化,以便客户可以方便地进行分析.”

因为这些调查要求每个家庭成员记录他们旅行的时间和地点, each trip’s purpose, stop locations, arrival and departure times, and travel modes within a 24-hour period, recruiting and retaining respondents can be challenging, notes Jesse Casas, a 趣赢平台 Principal Research Associate.

Jeremy Wilhelm
Jesse Casas

“In today’s environment, 人们不愿意参加有各种原因:他们很忙, some do not have favorable views of government surveys, 其他人则担心数据泄露,或者认为他们的参与无关紧要,” Mr. Casas says. “我们已经能够通过解释数据是匿名的,我们的智能手机应用程序可以缓解受访者的担忧, with its mapped routes and GPS technologies, 是否有一种有效的方式来报告他们的行程,并允许所需的信息安全、自动地传输. In this way, we’ve been able to maximize response rates.”

韦斯特在管理家庭旅行调查方面的专长在多个层面上都是独一无二的. Wilhelm:“我们提供高质量的数据是因为我们拥有丰富的经验, innovative technology, and a talented tight-knit team of professionals. Our experts in survey methodology and statistics, human factors, instrumentation engineering, technology assessment, 地理空间分析已经合作了近20年, which speaks to our team cohesiveness and consistency. Plus, 我们可以快速地对改变或增加的任务做出反应,并利用来自整个公司的其他主题专家.”

While the pandemic caused a halt in travel surveys, 调查旅行行为新常态的要求正在上升, says Mr. Casas:“客户想要了解新的和新兴的移动形式, such as electric bikes, scooters, and cars and the use of Lyft and Uber. 他们继续寻找减少拥堵和污染的方法, conserve fuel, and improve their region’s safety and productivity.”

韦斯特目前正处于科罗拉多州全州家庭旅行调查的设计阶段,该调查将涉及20个家庭,000 households, 它正在完成德克萨斯州三个地区的家庭旅行调查. 它还在北卡罗来纳州皮埃蒙特-特里亚德地区的4800户家庭中开展了一项调查.

It’s clear that across the country, planners and policymakers need accurate, responsive, 和当前数据,以解决不断变化的交通需求. 趣赢平台在家庭旅行调查方面的深厚专业知识及其产生的高质量可靠数据, squarely meet these planning and forecasting challenges. 


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